Bubbles Play Way

Why Franchise Partner With Bubbles?

The best playschool franchise business in India has been initiated from the educational hub of our country – The vision is to create an educational environment in the country with an international approach which promotes technological aids and fun way of learning.
  • Growing demand for preschools
  • Indian Child Care Market Soaring
  • Vast Potential for Quality Playschools
  • High Demand for Uttarakhand Preschools

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preschool franchise business in Dehradun

Which Is Better: A Play School Franchise or Starting Your Own Play School?

The scope of profitability expands as demand in the education market continues to rise. This is why investing in the best preschool franchise business in India is becoming increasingly popular among eager young entrepreneurs.

Setting up and maintaining a large school is a long, drawn-out process that involves a large investment, but starting and running a preschool company is considerably easier, faster, and requires a lot less expenditure.

People are increasingly conscious of the influence of education on themselves and society, and parents are prepared to pay to provide their children with a better life and every opportunity to thrive. They are interested in having a good setup packed with skilled individuals to take care of their child’s numerous requirements while ensuring that their youngster has a secure area to play, learn, and grow. The ideal preschool curriculum would also prepare the child for elementary school.

For inspiring education entrepreneurs, who are nurturing to start their preschool business, there are two options –

  • The first option is to start a preschool from the ground up.
  • The second option is to purchase a franchise from a well-known preschool company, such as Bubbles Playway.

These solutions have all proven to be effective in their own right, and each has its own distinct selling point. Let us look at each of them and assess the benefits and downsides to help you determine which choice is best for you.

Starting Your Own Preschool

Starting a preschool company on your own is like raising a child. There is a lot of effort required from the start since you have to look into every issue from the bottom up. It is necessary to plan, research, study, resource, finance, train, market, and advertise. Starting from scratch is arduous, time-consuming, and difficult, but once completed, you will feel a fantastic feeling of satisfaction. Let us examine the advantages and disadvantages of this technique.

The Benefits of Starting Your Own Preschool Business

One-Time Expense

Setting up your preschool in Dehradun would need a huge amount of money to be paid out immediately and in a short period of time. You must analyze this and ensure that you have sufficient funds to begin. Apart from the regular standard expenditures, there is nothing to worry about after all of the payments have been completed and the school is officially running, and you can start enjoying your income.

Effective Command

By starting and running your own preschool business, you have created your brand. It represents your vision and ideals, and its operation is your responsibility. As the single authority, you have the freedom to add, remove, or edit your enterprises as you see right. This might assist you in emphasizing your company’s unique selling point and how the youngsters benefit on many levels.

Application Flexibility

You may be creative, imaginative, and inventive with your play school. You are not accountable to anyone and are not required to follow the plans of others. You may customize the area, infrastructure, décor, themes, color combinations, and even the curriculum based on your ideas and ambitions. The nicest aspect of having your own preschool education is that you may adopt any new idea without seeking clearance from a franchisor.

The Demerits of Starting Your Own Play School

Goodwill Necessitates Time

Starting from scratch is tough and time-consuming. Any new self-owned preschool in Dehradun will need a long time to completely establish itself. A significant amount of work must be expended in educating your staff and developing relationships with the parents. Along with advertising, holding events or seminars for parents and children, as well as leasing out your facility for small events, may be necessary for your school brand to gain attraction.

Too Much Responsibility

Running your own preschool company has risks. You are responsible for every choice you make, every job you plan, and even the hired employees. It is your obligation to plan, investigate, create, formulate, train, advertise, recruit, finance, account, and so much more. All of these critical components are critical to the efficient operation of your organization and need your attention. It is just too much for one individual to manage.

Permits And Grants Are in Disarray

Even before you begin the process of establishing a preschool, you must first get certifications, permits, grants, and so on from various authorities. These may include the local society where you intend to establish your preschool, the local governing authorities, and, in certain cases, the nearby medical center.

Making appointments, visiting these specific offices, obtaining paperwork, meeting with the relevant officials, acquiring the requisite papers, and paying the applicable costs are all more complicated than they appear. Many of them need several trips, which are tiring, expensive, and time-consuming. In this circumstance, being a newcomer to the profession presents a challenge.

Investing in a Playschool Franchise

Using the Playschool brand is a terrific and beneficial alternative. When a preschool business is effectively created, works smoothly, achieves a particular degree of skill, and has established itself in the preschool market, it is available to others who wish to exploit its business model and brand name to build new preschools. This is called a franchise, and the person who uses the franchise- the franchisee- pays a royalty and other fees to the owner of the preschool business- the franchisor.

A reputable play school franchise, such as Bubbles Playway, has been in the preschool business long enough to recognize this demand among parents and has already included it in their preschool company franchise. Bubbles Playway’s knowledgeable staff can quickly adapt their franchise model to parents’ demands, ensuring that you always have access to the most recent products on the market.

Now that we’ve established how this method works, let’s go over the advantages and disadvantages.

The Benefits of Starting a Play School

Tested and Reliable Model

The assurance that comes with investing in a play school franchise stems from knowing that the business strategy is tried and true. The franchisee may relax knowing that the product has been carefully developed and implemented and that it runs smoothly and systematically. Because an existing model is being utilized, the possibilities of making mistakes are considerably decreased, lowering the risk factor.

A Big Thumbs Up for Goodwill!

As an edupreneur seeking to purchase a franchise, you would investigate well-known and reputable businesses. Because of their history and the reputation they have built, many known companies are well-known in the marketplace. When you invest in a preschool franchise business in Dehradun, your business will benefit from all of the goodwill associated with the brand you have selected, allowing you to get off to a fantastic start.

Initial Cost Elimination

When you select a preschool franchise that is already established in the market, you simply have to pay to set up your facility. As a franchisor, you are not responsible for any advertising, marketing, administrative, or other ancillary expenditures because the brand is already well-known and has established goodwill.

Reduced Financial Risks

As parents become more aware of the benefits of solid preschool education, the demand for it grows. The rise in demand has heightened rivalry among preschools. When you purchase a franchise that is already a reputable, well-known, and trusted brand, you are already miles ahead of the competition.

The preschool industry is unaffected by market changes. Upon choosing a franchise, your losses are minimized because you are utilizing an existing successful company concept.

Complete Operational Tracking

In a preschool franchise model, the franchisor must supply the franchisee with a convenient structure to ensure a thriving business in no time. This may be accomplished with ready-made designs, layouts, forms, templates, and so on, as well as real examples and instances of how the various procedures are anticipated to be performed correctly.

Continuous Assistance and Training

This is one of the most compelling reasons for an edupreneur to invest in a playschool franchise business in Uttarakhand. The franchisor not only handles the hard task of establishing and operating the center in its early days, but it also provides training for all individuals working in a preschool.

Additionally, they provide frequent training sessions and seminars where they keep you informed about the most recent industry developments and how to handle them. Once you develop confidence and begin running the school on your own, the franchise team will be available to provide ongoing assistance if you encounter any tough, awkward, or problematic situations.

The Demerits of Owning a Play School Franchise

Inadequate Self-Innovation

You buy a preschool franchise because you enjoy how it is managed, its popularity, its financial potential, or the way the children turn out when they leave preschool. Whatever the reason, you choose that specific brand because you want to be like them, and the franchisor expects you to be like them in every way imaginable since it is their brand reputation that is at issue, and they want your center to thrive just as much as you do. As a result, you must adhere to their business model to the letter in order to preserve franchise homogeneity, and there is no room for flexibility or creativity.

Regulated Expenses

When investing in a Playschool franchise business in Uttarakhand, there is initially some relaxation because the franchisee does not have to spend significant sums all at once. The franchisor must receive a defined sum as fees or royalties on a regular basis, such as once a month, once every three months, or once a year.

In addition to these recurring payments, there are also occasional minor payments made to cover operational expenses such as marketing advertising charges, license fees, extra training costs, etc. Still, these are made known at the outset, and it would be a tiny price to pay in the grand scheme of things and to keep one’s peace of mind.


To summaries, starting your own play school is exciting and rewarding. You also have the ability to alter and mold your school in the ways you see fit, allowing you to be creative and imaginative. However, this does not come without a lot of hard work and on-the-job experience, as well as losses suffered due to exhaustion, oversight, or a bad company model. All of this is on top of the effort to obtain approvals, certificates, and licenses, as well as the requirement to establish oneself and gain goodwill. Despite the hurdles along the way, this strategy has had its benefits.

In comparison, a franchise is significantly easier, with the franchisor performing the majority of the work and handing you everything on a silver platter to copy. The success rate in this strategy is substantially greater, and your losses are decreased, with the added benefit of receiving ongoing assistance and training. As appealing as this may seem, all good things come at a cost, as they should. Running a successful preschool needs devotion and a desire to go the extra mile. A preschool franchise, such as the one given by Bubbles Playway, will ensure that your school is up and operating in no time, and once established, you will quickly recoup your investment and much more.

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