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Best Preschool in Dehradun

Simple Activities to Help Your Child Get Ready for Preschool

Of all the toddler milestones, attending preschool might very well be the biggest. When youngsters start school for the first time, their world expands in ways they couldn’t have imagined at home, introducing them to a whole new set of skills (and friendships!).

While school is a place to learn and grow, parents and guardians should note the fact that there are several other things that must be taught to youngsters before enrolling them in the best preschool in Dehradun. To address this concern, it is crucial to use various preparation methods while getting the young one ready for playschool. Thus, here are five simple activities for parents to help their child get ready for preschool.


If we were to offer one bit of advice to parents, it would be “Read to your child.” Read every day. Have books in your car, handbag, and each room. Read books so frequently that you and your youngster have them memorized.


Practicing your child’s spoken language skills is an important part of getting them ready for the best preschool in Dehradun. Hence, talk and engage your youngster in a conversation. Ask questions, and discuss nature, colors, alphabet, and feelings. Put down your phone and pay attention to what your youngster has to say to you. Encourage your youngster to make eye contact and greet strangers with a “Hello” and a “Good Bye.”


Play every day with your child for a while. Encourage and nurture their imaginative play and don’t be hesitant to get a little messy in the process! Embrace the laughter and joy that comes with these shared experiences. These experiences foster their creativity, decision-making skills, and self-reliance, all of which will prove invaluable as they embark on their preschool journey.

Encourage Self-Sufficiency!

Children who can handle some of their personal needs perform better in preschool than those who rely entirely on adults. Make sure your youngster has shoes that he or she can put on themselves. Allow additional time before leaving the house each day so your youngster can put on their own shoes.

Encourage your youngster to take care of their own restroom requirements. If they request assistance with their pants or wiping, consider guiding them through the process rather than doing it all for them. Teach them how to properly wash their hands and flush the toilet. These simple activities are not much big of a deal, yet they are essential preschool skills!

Practice Distancing

Allow your youngster to spend some time away from you. Practice distancing and give your youngster some space. Invite other children over for play dates, and let your child go on brief play dates as well.


Preparing your child for the best preschool in Dehradun is an exciting and important milestone in their developmental journey. It’s a wonderful and uplifting event that marks the start of many years of school to come. By incorporating these simple activities into your daily routine, you can help your child feel confident and ready to embrace this new chapter in their life.

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