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Preschool Children

5 Fun and Educational Games for Preschool Children

Toddlers are highly energetic and always on the move! And at times, as a parent, it can get difficult to keep up with their energy level. However, it’s crucial to find ways to keep your child active, involved and learning! 

Thus here are 5 activities for preschool children that are both fun and educational:

Five Engaging Developmental Activities for Preschoolers

Recognizing Letters and Sounds

Learning activities for preschoolers are most enjoyable when they are dressed up as family games, pretend plays, or incorporated into our regular activities and observations. Recognizing letters and their sounds is one practice that may be done in a variety of ways.

What You Need:

A whiteboard or chalkboard with some colored markers or chalk. You may also utilize letter cards & board games for children.

How to Play: 

You may play games in which you draw letters on the board and teach your youngster how to read them. Preschool children can begin learning both upper and lowercase letters. If they get it correct, give them a point. If not, offer a hint and let them try again.

You may also try the “sound it out” game. Write a letter on the board and ask your kid to create the sound it represents. Again, if they get it correct, award them a point. If not, offer a hint and let them try again.

Pointing at letters printed elsewhere while you go about your day—a cereal box, a signboard, a magazine, etc.—is another simple way to assist your youngster learn to read them. 

Skills That Your Kid Will Learn:

Letter identification, phonemic awareness, and letter sounds.

Making Up Stories

Children like listening to and telling tales and this activity may be done anywhere, at any time. It’s ideal for doing in the vehicle while driving, before going to bed, or while standing in line at the grocery store.

What You Need:

None! Only your child’s imagination.

How to Play: 

Have your youngster create a narrative, either on their own or with your assistance. Encourage children to be as imaginative and creative as they desire. If they become stuck, stimulate them with questions or ideas. You may also fix their language along the process, but it’s crucial to allow kids to be creative and enjoy this exercise. 

If your youngster is stumped, set an example by asking them for three or four words and creating a tale that incorporates all of them. For example, if they gave you the words “cat,” “green,” “ball,” and “tree,” you may create a tale about a green cat climbing a tree to get a ball.

Eventually, you’ll be able to offer some words to your child and have them create a tale with them.

Skills That Your Kid Will Learn:

Creativity, imagination, narrative and communication.

Read With Your Child

Reading books with your child is one of the most beneficial things you can do for their development. Not only does it improve linguistic abilities but also helps kids acquire sight words, expand their creativity and better understand their surroundings. 

What You Need:

Books suitable for your child’s age and interests, such as picture books and simple readers.

How to Play: 

Sit with your child and read a book together. You can take turns reading the chapters, or have your child read the entire book to you.

Toddler books should be brief with lots of illustrations to help tell the tale. This will assist them to maintain their attention span and increase their chances of understanding the book’s themes. 

You may ask inferential questions based on how, why, what, when and where while you read aloud to children, hence encouraging them to think critically. You may also point to each word as you go.

Skills That Your Kid Will Learn:

Language abilities, attention span, sight words, comprehension, imagination, and memory. 

Sorting Activities 

Sorting is a pleasant exercise that teaches youngsters about many things like size, shape and color. It also helps students improve their problem-solving abilities. 

What You Need:

Various items can be sorted based on size, shape, color, and other criteria. You may use blocks, balls, toy vehicles, berries, buttons, and so forth.

How to Play: 

Allow your child to select a few things and ask him/her to categorize them based on size, shape, color, and so on. For example, youngsters can categorize blocks by size or toy vehicles by color. As they sort the objects, assist them in identifying the property they used for sorting.

Skills That Your Kid Will Learn:

Sorting, categorization, and problem solving.

Number Game

Interactive and imaginative teaching may make arithmetic entertaining for children, both offline and online. Playing number sense games is one activity that will help your youngster learn numbers, counting and fundamental arithmetic operations in an enjoyable and engaging manner. 

What You Need:

A whiteboard or chalkboard together with some colored markers or chalk. You may also employ educational games that emphasize numbers and counting such as board games and card games. Online math games are also accessible.

How to Play: 

You may play a variety of games with your youngster to help him/her understand numbers and mathematical concepts. One such game is “Guess the Number”. Write a number from 1 to 10 on the board and ask your youngster to guess it. If they get it correct, give them a point. If not, offer a hint and let them try again.

You may also play the “Greater Than or Lesser Than” game. Write two numbers on the board, like 3 and 5, then ask your youngster which number is bigger. If they get it correct, give them a point. If not, provide a hint and let them try again.

Skills That Your Kid Will Learn:

Numbers, counting, and fundamental arithmetic operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Final Thoughts

So these are some of the best fun and educational games that you can engage your child in. And now that you know them, why not go ahead and try them with your three-year-old today? You might be shocked by how much kids love it—and how much they learn from it. 

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