Bubbles Play Way

Why Franchise Partner With Bubbles?

The best playschool franchise business in India has been initiated from the educational hub of our country – The vision is to create an educational environment in the country with an international approach which promotes technological aids and fun way of learning.
  • Growing demand for preschools
  • Indian Child Care Market Soaring
  • Vast Potential for Quality Playschools
  • High Demand for Uttarakhand Preschools

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best nursery school in India


Do you love telling kids random fun facts? Do you have wacky kids who love to hear amazing everyday fun facts? Kids are usually always curious about different things happening around them and that is why they keep on asking random funny questions to their parents, teachers, and elder siblings. Bubbles Playway School, the best nursery school in India has some wonderful facts to share with you that will not only entertain you but you can impress kids by telling them about interesting and quite funny facts.

  • Most people cannot lick their own elbow. It is almost impossible for us to even touch our own elbow with the tongue.
  • Almonds are considered to be a member of the peach family.
  • It is impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.
  • One cannot inhale or exhale and talk at the same time. It’s fun to try it!
  • Eyebrows not only protect us against rain, sweat, dirt but they help us in expressing our emotions. Just imagine yourself having no eyebrows. Is it not funny?
  • Kangaroos can never walk in a backward direction.
  • Do you love carrots? It is quite funny but true that eating too many carrots will turn you orange.
  • The Sun is over 300000 times bigger than Earth.
  • There are some other species that plant more trees than an average human in their lifetime! Its squirrel hides their acorns and nuts underground and then just forgets about them.
  • Just like humans and animals, plants also recognize their siblings.

As Bubbles Playway School is the best preschool in India, we love to share such facts that blow kids’ minds. We believe that kids should know how things work as this helps them in making sense of the world around them. After all, it is pleasing for a child to expose a good amount of general knowledge that is not in any of her/his textbooks. Therefore, we make sure that we get some fun ways to teach kids. Apart from this, we have scheduled time for kids to do some fun activities as well. Nothing is better than a happy and confident child! This makes us the best nursery school in India.

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